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Purview Automation

Welcome to Purview Automation!

Purview Automation is a Python library designed to be simple to use and makes scaling and automating Azure Purview easier.

Create, delete, scale, rollback and automate Purview collections and delete assets in collections. More to come later on!

Rather see a video on how it works? See: Purview Automation Video.


Source Code:

Key benefits:

  • Easy: Create and delete collections and collection hierarchies with one line of code
  • Rollback: Rollback to previous collection hierarchy states and save versions for later use
  • Deploy: Extract existing collections and deploy to UAT/PROD environments ensuring consistency across Purviews
  • Delete Assets: Delete all assets in a collection or all assets under a collection hierarchy
  • Safe: Does NOT supercede any Purview permissions. Unable to create/delete collections unless the Collection Admin role is assigned in Purview. See: Purview Roles.
  • Ease of Use: Use either the friendly or actual collection name instead of being required to find the under the hood collection name (actual name). See: Purview Collection Names Overview

Example Showcase:

Azure Purview before:

Purview Before

Write simple code:

                          collection_names="Sub Collection 1/Deeper Sub 1/Deeper Sub 2/Deeper Sub 3")

Azure Purview after:

Purview After


pip install purviewautomation

Quick Start

Connect to Purview With a Service Principal

Create a Python file (can be called anything), gather the Azure Service Principal information and replace yourtenantid, yourclientid, yourclientsecret and yourpurviewaccountname:

from purviewautomation import (ServicePrincipalAuthentication,

auth = ServicePrincipalAuthentication(tenant_id="yourtenantid",

client = PurviewCollections(purview_account_name="yourpurviewaccountname",


Make sure the Service Principal is assigned the Collection Admin role to a collection in Purview. The below examples assume the Service Principal is assigned the Collection Admin role at the root collection level. See here for more info: Assign the Service Principal the Collection Admin Role in Purview

Connect to Purview With the Azure-Identity Package Via the Azure CLI

Alternatively,to connect with your own credentials or other options (Managed Identity, Environment Credentials, Azure CLI Credentials) instead of the Service Principal, use the Azure-Identity package:

pip install azure-identity

Then sign in with your Azure CLI credentials (in a terminal type az login and sign in via the link that pops up):

from azure.identity import AzureCliCredential

from purviewautomation import PurviewCollections, AzIdentityAuthentication

auth = AzIdentityAuthentication(credential=AzureCliCredential())

client = PurviewCollections(purview_account_name="yourpurviewaccountname",


Make sure the user or entity is assigned the Collection Admin role to a collection in Purview. The below examples assume the role is assigned at the root collection level (yourpurviewaccountname collection). For more info, see: Purview Roles.

Now interact with the Purview collections:

client.list_collections(only_names=True, pprint=True)

Return Collections as a List or Only Names as a Dictionary

collection_list = client.list_collections()
for coll in collection_list:

# Return only the relevant names as a dictionary
collection_names = client.list_collections(only_names=True)
for name, value in collection_names.items():
    print(name, value)

# Return just the keys (actual names)
for name in collection_names:

# Return the friendly names or parent collection names
for name in collection_names.values():
    friendly_name = name["friendlyName"]
    parent_name = name["parentCollection"]

Create a Collection

# Replace "yourpurviewaccountname"

                          collection_names="My First Collection")

Create a Collection Hierarchy

# Create a collection hierarchy

client.create_collections(start_collection="My First Collection",
                          collection_names="Child1/Sub Collection 1/Deeper Sub Collection1")

Create Multiple Collections

# Both random collections are at the same level under Sub Collection 1

client.create_collections(start_collection="Sub Collection 1",
                          collection_names=["Random Collection", "Random Collection 2"])

Create Multiple Collection Hierarchies

hierarchy_1 = "hierarchy1/hierarchysub1/hierarchysub2/hierarchysub3"
hierarchy_2 = "hierarchy 2/hierarchy sub2"

client.create_collections(start_collection="My First Collection",
                          collection_names=[hierarcy_1, hierarchy_2])

Delete All Assets in a Collection


The Service Principal or user that authenticated/connected to Purview would need to be assigned the Data Curator role on the collection in order to delete assets in that collection. For more info, see: Purview Roles

client.delete_collection_assets(collection_names="My First Collection")

Delete All Assets in Multiple Collections


The Service Principal or user that authenticated/connected to Purview would need to be assigned the Data Curator role on the collection in order to delete assets in that collection. For more info, see: Purview Roles

collections = ["Random Collection", "hierarchy sub2"]

Extract Collections

# Useful for recreating entire collection hierarchies in a new Purview
# or saving the output as a version to rollback later
# Will output the exact script needed to recreate the entire hierarchy

client.extract_collections("My First Collection")

Delete a Collection

client.delete_collections(collection_names="Random Collection")

Delete a Collection with Rollback Enabled

# Will delete the collection
# and output the exact script needed to recreate the collection

client.delete_collections(collection_names="Random Collection 2",

Delete All Assets in a Collection and Delete the Collection


The Service Principal or user that authenticated/connected to Purview would need to be assigned the Data Curator role on the collection in order to delete assets in that collection. For more info, see: Purview Roles

# Delete all of the assets in the collection
# And delete the collection as well

client.delete_collections("My First Collection", delete_assets=True)

Delete a Collection Hierarchy with Rollback Enabled

# Will delete all of the children and their children and output the exact script
# needed to recreate the entire hierarchy to rollback or deploy to another Purview

client.delete_collections_reursively("My First Collection", safe_delete="client")

Delete All Assets in a Collection Hierarchy and Delete the Hierarchy


The Service Principal or user that authenticated/connected to Purview would need to be assigned the Data Curator role on the collection in order to delete assets in that collection. For more info, see: Purview Roles

# Delete all of the assets in all of the collections under the hierarchy
# And delete the collection hierarchy as well

client.delete_collections_recursively("My First Collection", delete_assets=True)